How many people in the UK find football/soccer boring? 2017 Survey results

Football is easily the most popular sport in the UK, but it however does not win the tag of “most exciting sport”, with that award going to Athletics, according a recent survey conducted among the British public.

40% of those polled thought football was “boring” or “very boring”. The most snoozeworthy sport appears to be golf, with 70% of those polled calling it “boring” or “very boring”. Not far behind were American Football (59%) and cricket (58%).

Interestingly, 46% of those polled thought rugby league was boring, more than the 39% figure for rugby union. 41% of those polled thought union was “exciting or very exciting”, compared to 43% for football, 34% for league, 43% for tennis and 47% for athletics

Football Boring or Not

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